Just before leaving, my roommate's Boston Terrier had 4 puppies, 3 of which survived.
Here are some pictures from the ride up; early morning along Rte. 102 near Scituate, RI, showing a beautiful lake; here is another view of the lake, and this shows the forest at roadside. Also, looking back towards RI-12, a different view of a spot also photographed (a little farther south) in 1988.
Despite having come here fairly regularly since 1982, this time I discovered something new here. There is a small bridge that goes over a beautiful creek, here enhanced even more by the early morning light. Chepachet (accent on the second syllable) is also looking forward to its Independence Day parade, which is on the 5th, not the 4th, of July.
After arriving in Boston and attending wrestling practice there, I took the boat to Provincetown. Here's where the bikes go on the boat. After crossing Boston Harbor and what seems like open seas, the boat approaches the tip of Cape Cod. Another view of the tip area from the boat.
This was the first time I came here since I was 9 years old. Naturally, it looks a little different this time, though still somewhat familiar. Getting off the boat; the landmark tower of P-Town; Town Hall. Met up with some friends there and went to the Boatslip.
Just outside of Provincetown is Herring Cove, a beautiful and fairly quiet beach, away from the crowds that have come for the Fourth of July. Here is a path through the dunes to the beach, and a bikeway in the vicinity. A little past Herring Cove, there are some great views at the top of hills in the dunes; here is the view approaching Race Point.
North Truro offers some nice views of the lagoon separating it from the ocean; the rest of North Truro is a strip of motels between Rte. 6 and the bay (and Rte. 6A). The lagoon ends at the Truro-Provincetown line. Truro proper is full of very fragrant pine forests. The motel which we used on family trips when I was a kid is still here, the Shady Rest. This is the view looking south from there; this is the view looking north. Soon after, one gets to the next town, Wellfleet, where the hills have moderated and the forests are more of a mix of pine and oak.
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Created: July 18, 1999 Last modified: Aug. 6, 1999